

Signal Access Module

Access all the input/output signals for your AFM with the Signal Access Module. The unit provides an easy way to get scanner position, cantilever deflection, driving signal, bias, and other data to use to improve the quality of your work.

Signal Access Module


  • Enables access to various input/output signals for AFM
  • Scanner driving signal for the XY and Z scanners
  • Position signal for the XY and Z scanners
  • Cantilever deflection signals of the vertical/lateral direction
  • Bias signal for the sample and the cantilever
  • Driving signal for XE-AFM
  • Auxiliary input signal to the system

NX12 Stand-alone Base

Supporting base for a system utilization without inverted microscope.

NX12 Stand-alone Base


  • Enables utilizing NX12 system without integration of inverted microscope
  • Requires active vibration isolation table and acoustic enclosure
    for optimized system performance

External High Voltage Kit

This accessory provides an applied external bias of up to +/-300V.

External High Voltage Kit


  • Bias range: +/-300V
  • Works with Conductive AFM, EFM/KPFM/DC-EFM/PFM,
    and Nanolithography

Magnetic Field Generator

The magnetic field generator lets you apply an external magnetic field to the sample. The field can be changed from -300 gauss to 300 gauss, and is parallel to the sample surface. You can then easily observe changes in the magnetic structure using one of our magnetic force microscopy (MFM) options.

Magnetic Field Generator


  • Applying external magnetic field parallel to sample surface
  • Tunable magnetic field
  • Range: -300 - 300 gauss
  • Composed of pure iron core & two solenoid cells

Chip Carriers

Our chip carriers come in several types depending on your needs. We currently offer:

Chip Carriers


  • Standard chip carriers
  • Mounted type on ceramic plate attached chip carrier
  • Teflon coated chip carriers for EC-Cell
  • Ceramic chip carriers for SCM
  • Ceramic Chip Carrier for SThM

QR Chip Carrier

QR Chip Carrier


  • QR chip carriers for FX40

NX-3DM chip carrier


  • 3DM chip carriers for NX-3DM

Non-magnetic Sample Holder

Ideal for taking delicate MFM measurements, the non-magnetic sample holder prevents interference from the magnetic field of the standard sample holder.


  • N/A